Seoul Buses

Seoul Buses are public transit buses operated by the Seoul Metropolitan Government.


Bus type

Type of buses

There are four types of buses:

Route numbers specify area divisions. For Trunk and Branch Bus, the first digit indicates the area where the route begins, and the second digit indicates where the route ends. For Rapid Bus, the first digit is always 9, and the second indicates the area in which the route begins. The first digit of Circulation Bus indicates the area in which the bus circles. Route number which start with 8 indicates holiday/rush-hour only branch buses. For all lines, any remaining numbers are individual routes.

Bus area

With the improvement of its public transportation system, Seoul introduced a new bus numbering system, including area numbers in order to facilitate recognition of route outlines.


The system uses cash or Transportation Cards. Rates vary depending on which route is taken. The tables below show basic fare for each type of bus.

Age Type Card Cash
Adult (age over 19)
Rapid 1700 1800
Trunk and Branch 900 1000
Village 600 700
Branch(lower fee) and circulation 700 800
Youth (age 13~18)
Rapid 1360 1800
Trunk and Branch 720 1000
Village 480 550
Branch(lower fee) and circulation 560 800
Children (age 6~12)
Rapid 1200
Trunk and Branch 450
Village 300
Branch(lower fee) and circulation 350

There is a basic fare for the first 10 km. 100 won is added for each additional 5 km. Bus-Bus and Bus-Metro transfer are free of charge except added distance fare. Only transportation card holders get free transferring.


Most buses in South Korea are domestic models and made by two manufacturers. Buses use either diesel or compressed natural gas.

A list of buses used in Seoul:

See also


External links